Tuesday, October 8, 2024


 Mid period northwest swell in the water today after long period forerunners came in yesterday afternoon. Swell is 7@14 seconds from 310 - bigger north of Bodega Bay.   Swell fades late, will be replaced by mid size wind swell for the middle of the week and then another moderate size northwest swell rolls in for the weekend with a chance for rain Friday night/Saturday morning.  Best chance of rain Bay Area north, with some rain expected from Western Sonoma County to the CA/OR border.  October heat wave is over and to be replaced by temps that feel more like fall.   Looking ahead to the weekend - potential for a decent size late season south looking more likely and further out, good pulse of northwest swell potentially for next week.   Jet stream is active and steaming off of Japan in the Gulf of Alaska, just need to get some troughs moving in that energy to create more swell.   The pattern is decent however.   Winds don't look too bad the rest of the week - typical for October.  Cya in the water.  

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