Thursday, July 11, 2024

UPDATED FORECAST 7-11 - SW Swell Mid Month

 Not much going on this week - background south swell dribbles and wind swell is all we have on tap.  Watching the wave models now for a potentially solid run of southwest swell starting around Tuesday of next week for So Cal/Central CA - pushing through Nor Cal next Wednesday and beyond.  Looking like we could see pretty decent 2-3ft@17-18 sec energy throughout most of the event.  Big question will be the winds right now - the northwest wind machine as slacked off some, as it does when we move into July and August - but this week at least, we still have gale forecasts up for the outer waters north of Jenner.  Winds should settle back down later this week.  More by the weekend as I'll have a better idea of the wind and wave forecast - right now it's still a bit early to be precise.  Cya in the water.  

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