Sunday, June 9, 2024


 New late season swell showing at the far northern buoys this morning - 7-8ft @14 from 295-300.  Swell will build all day and peak tomorrow.   This is from another storm system that followed the first storm last week.  Additionally, south swell in the water - still around 2-2.5ft@14-15sec from 210-215.   Northwest winds are blowing hard and gales are forecast for the next few days in the outer waters, some inner waters north of Jenner.  Water temps remain cold - upper 40s north of Bodega Bay, low 50s SF south.   The New Zealand storm corridor is active and we will see bouts of southwest swell from this area most of next week - nothing large - staying around 2ft @15-16 seconds with a 210-215 deg direction.  Northwest winds will howl all week so don't look for calm conditions anytime soon on the North Coast.   Large windswell will result most of the week.  The wind and swell will make a mess of these small souths coming up the Coast, and knock size down - especially once they move past Santa Cruz.   Cya in the water.  

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