Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Abnormally strong atmospheric river type system hitting the Pacific NW today and will drag a cold front through the northwest part of CA tonight through Monday.  Rain line will be about as far south as the Sonoma Coast.   Maybe a few sprinkles in Marin.   Relentless northwest winds will ease tonight, but then ratchet back up on Tuesday.   Small south swells in the water, overlapping the next few days - deepwater swell around 2-3 ft from around 180-185.  We will see a big jump in swell heights Tuesday through Thursday, inbound swell from the storm that came through.  Biggest days are Wed/Thurs - 10-12ft @11-13 seconds.    Otherwise, seas will be on the rise from all the winds coming in Tuesday through Thursday which will pick up the northwest windswell again for mid week.  Not tracking any major south in the week ahead - just wind and large-ish windswell.   Water temps are quite cold - seasonally so - low 50s SF and Santa Cruz - 48-50 north of Bodega Bay.   Cya in the water.   

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