Sunday, September 22, 2024


Good size wind swell in the water today hitting best SF north - northern buoys showing this energy well at around 8-10ft @10-11 seconds, steep angle, 315 plus.   Winds are light, southerly for the majority of the central and northern coast.  We have our first decent longer period swell coming in mid week - should peak around 7-8ft@14 seconds.   This is from a gale moving through the Northern Gulf of Alaska.   Swell will build in Tuesday night, peak Wednesday and slow fade Thursday.  Biggest waves SF to the north.  Winds not bad, as we would expect in late September, should remain fairly light.  Until that swell rolls in, wind swell will hang on for at least another day.    Storm track looks to remain active, but displaced up in the N Pac as high pressure dome sits off and over the West Coast for a few more days.   The pattern is looking better for late September.   For those up early, Orion, the winter constellation, is up in the morning sky now around 5am, always a great sign fall is arriving and will continue to be higher in the sky, earlier each night, as we move into October and beyond.   Cya in the water.   

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